
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Guest Blogger: Emily & Molten Lava Cakes

I am so excited to introduce you to my guest blogger today.  Hope you like it and don't forget to show her some love!
Hey there! I'm super excited to be guest posting here at The Farm Girl but there are 2 things you should know first:
 1. This is my first guest post..ever and
 2. I don't exactly know what I'm doing. I guess I should introduce myself.
So ya'll may know me as the girl holding the apples, in a dress and boots at the top of the page, yep that's me. My name is Emily, I'm a freshman minoring in Culinary Arts at BYU-Idaho and am the little sister to the Farm Girl. I was a bit of an odd ball growing up because when other kids were outside making mud pies, I was inside helping my mom make apple pies. In our small, outdated kitchen I learned to love to cook...and eat. [: Now at 19, I'm minoring in Culinary Arts and taking my culinary skills to a whole new level. I've learned how to de-bone a chicken, julienne a carrot and make a white, blond, and brown roux to name a few things.
One really important thing I've learned is that all the skill in the world can't replace a love of cooking and that's why we're all here, scouring recipe books, magazines and blogs for recipes and tips because we love to cook. At least that's why I do. [:
When my sister asked me if I would guest post on her blog while she's off sunbathing on a cruise ship in Mexico (jealous), my mind was instantly set whirling. I thought it would be lovely to share something I learned in class but those recipes are a tad bit extravagant for my limited budget and then cooking for just two (I room with my older sister, party right?) is hard enough as it is. So my search for something affordable, something that doesn't feed an army and something delicious started. I knew these Molten Chocolate Cakes were prefect when I saw them. They'd be the perfect dessert for you and your sweetie on Valentines (sorry it's late but who says you can't have Valentine's day every day??). They are so, so, super easy to make and take literally minutes to whip up. I hope this recipe will bring smiles and good smells to your kitchen or possibly fighting over the last bits of chocolate crumbs like went on in mine. [:

Molten Chocolate Cake

4 Tbsp unsalted butter, plus more for ramekins
1 Tbsp flour, plus more for ramekins
1/3 cup bittersweet chocolate chips
1 large egg plus 1 large egg yolk
2 Tbsp granulated sugar

1. Heat oven at 450 F. Butter two 6-oz ramekins and dust inside with flour
2. Place the butter and chocolate in a glass bowl and microwave in high for 20 second intervals, stirring after each, until melted and smooth.
3. Using an electric mixer, beat the egg, egg yolk and sugar in a medium until thick and lighter in color, about 1 minute. Add the melted chocolate mixture and flour and beat until fully incorporated and smooth.
4. Divide the batter between the prepared ramekins. Bake until edges are set and center jiggles slightly, about 8-10 minutes. Let stand for 15 seconds. Run a knife around the edge, then invert each cake onto a plate. Dust with confectioners sugar and serve with fresh mint, berries, ice cream, whatever you want really. Eat as soon as possible! [:

*Make ahead tip: you can refrigerate the batter in the ramekins for up to one day. Before baking though, bring to room temperature.
However you serve it, be prepared for a whole lot of this!
Lots of love to all!
-Emily from The Ramblings of a Happy Girl.