
Monday, April 18, 2011

Bacon-n-Cheese Deviled Eggs

Have you seen all the bacon recipes floating around the internet?

I can't believe some of the things.  Bacon Popcorn?  Bacon Cupcakes?


I mean I love bacon but I don't know if I love it that much.  Someone needs to try it out for me and let me know if it is worth making.  I just have a hard time wrapping my mind around candied bacon.  It sounds like an oxymoron to me.

But in honor of the bacon craze here is one for Easter.  Not super original but a little variety from the same old deviled egg recipe.  The boys in our house loved it, especially my carnivore son.  Is that a boy thing?  Random question but that's about all I can get him to eat.

But on to the eggs...and bacon!

Bacon-n-Cheese Deviled Eggs

6 hard boiled eggs 
1/3 c. mayonnaise 
1-1/2 t. mustard
4 strips bacon, cooked and finely chopped
¼ c. cheddar cheese, finely shredded
1 green onion, finely chopped
freshly ground pepper

1.  Hard  boil the eggs in whatever way you choose and let cool. Remove shell carefully and cut eggs in half lengthwise.  Remove egg yolks.

2.  In a medium bowl mix together egg yolks, mayonnaise, mustard, cheese, bacon and green onion. Mash the ingredients together to get the right consistency. If you need too add a little more mayonnaise, go for it. Sprinkle the eggs with a little paprika and freshly ground pepper and serve immediately.  Refrigerate leftovers.  Enjoy!