
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Mango Pico De Gallo

So I need to get something off my chest (figuratively speaking of course).

I love to garden and take care of my yard.  It's one thing that gives me great joy.  I love to be outside with my hands in the dirt and watching things grow--must be the farm part coming out.

Because of this I take great pride in my yard and my garden (it's not all that to look at right now but one day it will be right!?!).  Last year I had to replant several things in my garden because of some neighbor children, which frustrated me greatly but I thought, okay we will fix that.

And up went a fence--to take in the ENTIRE backyard so my garden wasn't open to wandering children.

Fast forward a year.  When I came home several weeks ago, from Seattle, the first thing I noticed was that my beautiful, little but growing wonderfully apple tree was missing all its branches.  And I mean all its branches.

So of course instead of greeting my husband with a huge hug and kiss and telling him I was so glad to see him (which I was) I asked, "What happened to me tree?"  (Sorry honey, I did really miss you though!)

He didn't know anything had happened to it to I walked over and I found all it's missing branches stuck in the mud in our berm.  He did tell me that the 3 year old little neighbor boy (same neighbors as before) was playing out front about 5 minutes before I got home but he wasn't watching him and had only noticed he was out there.

I was so mad!  I have been mad for weeks!  It's not exactly a situation that you can go speak to the parents about so I have stewed and tried to "get over" it.  I missed saving my tree by 5 minutes!

So in honor of letting it go and replanting a peach tree in honor of my dead apple tree I have just told the world and I am over it.  No more bringing it up to everyone person who will listen to me anyone!  Hold me to it please.

Now back to the mangoes (thanks for letting me vent).  When we were in Seattle we had mango salsa on almost everything we ate.  I LOVE that stuff! It is amazing with pretty much anything.

And since we have been getting mangoes in our Bountiful Basket, I thought I would make some pico to go with chips one day for lunch and tacos for dinner.  

It was a huge hit.  Even the kiddos liked it. So tasty!

Mango Pico de Gallo

2 ripe mangoes, cut in small cubes
1/4 c. cilantro leaves, diced
1/4 c. onion, diced finely
1 T. lime juice
1 jalapeno pepper, seeds removed and diced finely
Kosher salt, to taste

1.  Combine all ingredients in medium bowl and refrigerate until ready to serve.  Note: the mangoes will get mushy if you let them sit too long.  I like to do mine not more than 4-5 hours before I need it.