
Friday, September 28, 2012

Candy Corn Sugar Cookies

Are you talking about costumes or Halloween at your house yet?

We aren't talking about costumes (and I'm trying not to remind the kids because that just seems like too close to Christmas and I don't want to think about it).

But I have been seeing all sorts of amazing things around blogland for Halloween and it is making just a little bit excited.  Mostly for the food (you know how I L.O.V.E. fall food).  What can I say! :)

I decided to spice up our sugar cookie recipe for halloween and the kids loved it.  They thought life was pretty cool when they came home and found these beauties.  I love the look of candy corns (really hate to eat them) but I do think they are so cute.

I tried to do step-by-step instructions so hopefully this is helpful and you love them as much as we did!

Candy Corn Sugar Cookies

1 batch sugar cookie dough (I love this one)
Yellow and Orange food coloring (the paste works much better)
Optionals: sprinkles, sanding sugar, melted white almond bark

1.  Prepare your sugar cookie dough according to directions.  Once ready, divide dough into 3 equal portions.

2. Line a standard size loaf pan with plastic wrap, making sure the ends hangover.
3.  Leave one section of dough, as is, and color the other two sections.  One yellow and the other orange.  Gently press layer of uncolored dough into bottom of pan and smooth flat, keeping it at least 1/2-3/4 inches high.  If you are using a smaller batch of dough, just press it half way down the pan.  The important part is keeping the dough at least a 1/2 inch thick.
4.  Gently press yellow portion of dough on top of uncolored dough, and smooth flat.
5.  Repeat again with orange dough.
6.  Wrap plastic over dough and chill until firm, 30-60 minutes in freezer or 1-2 hours in fridge.  Or you can store the dough in fridge for 2-3 days before baking.
7.  When ready, remove plastic and dough from pan. Slice loaf into 1/4 inch slices. Trim top of slice to make straight line.  Cut each slice into triangle shape and dip top side in sugar if desired.
8. Bake according to sugar cookie directions.  Cool completely and then if desired, dip ends in almond bark or white chocolate and decorate with sprinkles.

Source: Our Best Bites