Thursday, June 3, 2010

Strawberry Amaretto Pastries

Oh my, this was heavenly!  What a wonderful flavor combination.  It took all my willpower to only eat two.  I'm serious, they are that good.  I hid them from my children and grudgingly shared them with my husband and a few friends (just because I knew that if I ate all those my butt and hips would probably not fit in my jeans in the next day)!  Hope you think they are that wonderful too because strawberries are in season and you should try them.
Thanks Beckah for sharing!

1/2 pck. frozen puff pastry sheets (1 sheet), thawed
1/2 c, slice almonds, divided
2 T. sugar, divided
1 small orange
8 oz. sour cream
1/2 c. powdered sugar
1/4 t. almond extract
1 1/2 c. whipped topping, thawed
12 large strawberries

*  Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  Unfold pastry dough onto cookie sheet.  Grate 1/4 c. of almonds (I used a microplane grater and it was kind of annoying so you might want to skip this part, it won't make a huge difference) and mix with 1/4 c. of sugar in small bowl.  Sprinkle evenly over pastry sheet and lightly press into dough using your rolling pin.  Using a pizza cutter, cut dough into 12 squares, preferably all about the same size.  Separate squares evenly over cookie sheet (you don't want them to touch) and bake 16-18 minutes or until puffed and golden brown.  Cool completely on cooling rack.

*  Coarsely chop almonds and place in small baking pan and toast in oven (watch very carefully they will burn quickly), stirring every 2-3 minutes.  Set aside.  Zest orange into another small bowl and stir in 1 T. sugar.  Set aside.

*  Whisk sour cream, powdered sugar and almond extract together in medium bowl.  Fold in whipped topping.  Set aside.  Slice strawberries into bowl.  Split open each pastry square very gently, arrange half of the strawberries in the bottom of each shell.  Top each with 2 T. filling, toasted almonds and sugared orange zest.  Top with remaining strawberries.  Place tops on and serve immediately or refrigerate until ready.
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